1. Financial Eligibility​​
An applicant's household i​ncome must be at 125% or below of the Federal Poverty Guidelines to be financially eligible.  If an applicant’s household income is greater than 125% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines but less than 200%, they may be eligible depending upon other econom​ic factors.
​Assets:  All applicants must meet asset eligibility guidelines.  Items including but not limited to bank accounts, CD’s, stocks or bonds, secondary vehicles, and property other than the primary residence may subject to LANWT’s asset eligibility policy.  Household asset eligibility is $10,000.00 or less of non-exempt assets for ​one person, plus $5,000.00 for every additional member of the household.

​​​​​125% of the federal poverty guideline
​Family SizeAnnual​​MonthlyWeekly
​​Each Add'l​$5,900.00

200% of the federal poverty guideline​​​​ ​ ​ ​
Family Siz​e
​​Each Add'l​$9,440.00​$786.67

2. Problem Type
LANWT can only help with civil law cases, please check our practice areas​ to see if we can help with your legal problem.
Cases we do not assist with include: criminal, business, or immigration. Exceptions may be made for immigration matters relating to domestic violence, human trafficking, or other U-Visa or VAWA issues.​

3. Service Area
Applicants must live within our service area or have a legal problem in our service area.​

4. Citizenship/Immigration Status
Applicants must be either United States citizens or legal aliens, with current documentation to be eligible for services. Non-citizens may be required to produce appropriate documentation. Undocumented aliens who are victims of domestic violence or human trafficking may be eligible for some services.​
5. Conflicts of Interest
Lawyers must avoid conflicts of interest that arise from talking with both parties of a dispute. We will ask you for information about the person, business or agency with whom you are having a problem to identify any potential conflicts of interest. If you are applying for help on behalf of another person, we will determine whether we can speak with you or whether we need to speak directly with the person on whose behalf you are calling both to avoid conflicts and to assure that we can obtain adequate information about the client and case from you.